President Barack Obama looking to boast his sagging approval rating teams up with conscious rapper Jasiri X on a song designed to change the media's negative portrayal of the Black man. "Ballers and Rappers"-the Season Finale of This Week With Jasiri X, was produced by Black Czer and directed by Paradise the Arkitech of X-Clan.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
"A spirit to be remembered" by ZIN
The 12th Annual Sankofa Caravan to the Ancestors
“A spirit to be remembered”
By ZIN (Minister of Culture, NBUF)
As early as Thursday, October 15th people from across the country began to converge to the cities of Houston and Galveston, Texas for one event; The National Black United Front’s 12th Annual – Sankofa Caravan to the Ancestors. The kick-off began with an edutainment component organized by the University of Houston’s Liberation Society and N.B.U.F. entitled “Drum and Chant – The Roots of Hip-Hopoetry”, featuring master poet Mutabaruka and other local Houston artists such as Sunni Patterson, 144 Elite, Empress Winter, Bishop Black, Torian, Sar, Rez and hosted by Emcee ZIN. It all took place on the campus of the University of Houston (central). It was a divine mix of Hip-Hop/Poetry! You could feel the revolutionary energy in the room, where all ages from toddlers to elders bobbed their heads, clapped their hands and gave their Ashe’ to the wordsmiths of the night. This was just the beginning of three days of reconnecting our past to the present while showing the necessity for ancestor veneration, unity in our communities and the need to settle our differences. The theme for this year’s Caravan was “Settle your quarrels, come together…the sooner begun, the sooner done” which was taken from a quote by ancestor George Jackson.
There could not have been a more fitting theme, simply due to immediate need for the rebuilding of a united front in the African community as a whole. This has been the mission of The National Black United Front’s Houston Chapter for the last decade, now under the leadership of now National Chairman Kofi Taharka. Bringing together African communities of all faiths with the sole purpose of healing our people through prayers and actions of positive, progressive, forward motion toward the liberation of African peoples worldwide!
The second event took place Friday, October 16th at the S.H.A.P.E. Community Ctr. – Houston, TX. This event was the viewing of the movie “Sankofa” directed by Haile Gerima which featured question and answer period following the movie with two of the films’ stars Oyafunmike Ogunlano and Mutaburaka.
For the last few years the movie has been shown even though a large number of people have seen it. Nearly everyone in attendance would attest to their need to re-visit the movie’s concepts of reconnecting to the African spirit. On this evening the African communities from Houston, Oklahoma, Dallas and Atlanta introduced their children to Oyafunmike and Mutabaruka with proud and respectful reverence as they explained how much it meant to meet “our” movie hero and shero.
The main event showed up as quickly as the rising of the sun on Saturday, October 17th at 6:30 a.m. as beautifully dressed members of the Pan-African community in their all white garbs met at the N.B.U.F. Houston Headquarters, located at 2428 Southmore, for this glorious day. The 12th Annual Sankofa – Caravan to the Ancestors had arrived and all the excitement from the last two days had come to a boil. Peace, Uhuru, Black Power, Forward, As Salaamulaikum, and other greetings filled the air as Brothers and Sisters greeted one another while mentally preparing for what was ahead. Capt. Khalid Greene and the Houston IN-CERT (Inner city emergency response team) organized the vehicles that would partake in the physical caravan down to Galveston, Texas. The caravan included members of various community organizations such as Sehah , O.B.U.-San Antonio, NCOBRA, Third eye-Dallas, TX., AAPRP, The Act of Change and The Shrine of the Black Madonna just to name a few.
Arriving at 29th and Seawall in Galveston, the caravan was welcomed by the sounds of African drumming and waves crashing. Hugs and high spirits filled the air. Bro. Salim Adolfo (Vice-Chairman of NBUF) opened the ceremony with greetings of peace from the National Black United Front. Second to speak was Chairman Kofi Taharka with the word of day on how our communities needed to settle our quarrels now while firing the revolutionary spirits of all on the beach. Oyafumike Ogulano blessed the ceremony with an opening libation, honoring our holy African ancestors. African communities from Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas, Baton Rouge, San Antonio, New York, Tulsa Oklahoma, Jamaica and Houston poured onto the beach to partake in the spiritual festivities.
Also in attendance on the beach were Cynthia Mckinney and legendary percussionist Bill Summers. After singing songs of praise and dancing to the drummers, all were invited to make an offering into the very waters that once brought our ancestors from Africa into captivity here in America. The ceremony lasted approximately three hours, ending in a closing prayer and directions to the luncheon which was held at Old Central Cultural Center. Once at the center Caravan attendees had a chance to unwind, eat and listen to uplifting and motivational words of wisdom from Chairman Kofi Taharka, Oyafunmike and Mutabaruka just to name a few. Once full of spirit and nourishment, everyone quietly reflected, smiled and gave thanks for the opportunity to work toward the liberation of African people through reverence, sacrifice, love and power of community! With the will of the creator and the ancestors, we shall meet again on the shores of Galveston, Texas next year to revisit and reclaim our divine and rightful place were our forefathers and mothers were brought to this land unwillingly. However we willingly say “Forward ever, Backward NEVER!”
Many thanks and blessings go out to all of the African spiritualist communities that attended and offered their body of knowledge, wisdom and understanding on honoring our holy African ancestors.
Special thanks goes out to the organizers of the Caravan which include, Event Chair-woman, Osunbunmi Gaidi, Bro. Omowale, Sis. Folade, Bro. T. Piper, Sis. Matti and all that came to the weekly NBUF meetings and planning sessions.
“A spirit to be remembered”
By ZIN (Minister of Culture, NBUF)
As early as Thursday, October 15th people from across the country began to converge to the cities of Houston and Galveston, Texas for one event; The National Black United Front’s 12th Annual – Sankofa Caravan to the Ancestors. The kick-off began with an edutainment component organized by the University of Houston’s Liberation Society and N.B.U.F. entitled “Drum and Chant – The Roots of Hip-Hopoetry”, featuring master poet Mutabaruka and other local Houston artists such as Sunni Patterson, 144 Elite, Empress Winter, Bishop Black, Torian, Sar, Rez and hosted by Emcee ZIN. It all took place on the campus of the University of Houston (central). It was a divine mix of Hip-Hop/Poetry! You could feel the revolutionary energy in the room, where all ages from toddlers to elders bobbed their heads, clapped their hands and gave their Ashe’ to the wordsmiths of the night. This was just the beginning of three days of reconnecting our past to the present while showing the necessity for ancestor veneration, unity in our communities and the need to settle our differences. The theme for this year’s Caravan was “Settle your quarrels, come together…the sooner begun, the sooner done” which was taken from a quote by ancestor George Jackson.
There could not have been a more fitting theme, simply due to immediate need for the rebuilding of a united front in the African community as a whole. This has been the mission of The National Black United Front’s Houston Chapter for the last decade, now under the leadership of now National Chairman Kofi Taharka. Bringing together African communities of all faiths with the sole purpose of healing our people through prayers and actions of positive, progressive, forward motion toward the liberation of African peoples worldwide!
The second event took place Friday, October 16th at the S.H.A.P.E. Community Ctr. – Houston, TX. This event was the viewing of the movie “Sankofa” directed by Haile Gerima which featured question and answer period following the movie with two of the films’ stars Oyafunmike Ogunlano and Mutaburaka.
For the last few years the movie has been shown even though a large number of people have seen it. Nearly everyone in attendance would attest to their need to re-visit the movie’s concepts of reconnecting to the African spirit. On this evening the African communities from Houston, Oklahoma, Dallas and Atlanta introduced their children to Oyafunmike and Mutabaruka with proud and respectful reverence as they explained how much it meant to meet “our” movie hero and shero.
The main event showed up as quickly as the rising of the sun on Saturday, October 17th at 6:30 a.m. as beautifully dressed members of the Pan-African community in their all white garbs met at the N.B.U.F. Houston Headquarters, located at 2428 Southmore, for this glorious day. The 12th Annual Sankofa – Caravan to the Ancestors had arrived and all the excitement from the last two days had come to a boil. Peace, Uhuru, Black Power, Forward, As Salaamulaikum, and other greetings filled the air as Brothers and Sisters greeted one another while mentally preparing for what was ahead. Capt. Khalid Greene and the Houston IN-CERT (Inner city emergency response team) organized the vehicles that would partake in the physical caravan down to Galveston, Texas. The caravan included members of various community organizations such as Sehah , O.B.U.-San Antonio, NCOBRA, Third eye-Dallas, TX., AAPRP, The Act of Change and The Shrine of the Black Madonna just to name a few.
Arriving at 29th and Seawall in Galveston, the caravan was welcomed by the sounds of African drumming and waves crashing. Hugs and high spirits filled the air. Bro. Salim Adolfo (Vice-Chairman of NBUF) opened the ceremony with greetings of peace from the National Black United Front. Second to speak was Chairman Kofi Taharka with the word of day on how our communities needed to settle our quarrels now while firing the revolutionary spirits of all on the beach. Oyafumike Ogulano blessed the ceremony with an opening libation, honoring our holy African ancestors. African communities from Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas, Baton Rouge, San Antonio, New York, Tulsa Oklahoma, Jamaica and Houston poured onto the beach to partake in the spiritual festivities.
Also in attendance on the beach were Cynthia Mckinney and legendary percussionist Bill Summers. After singing songs of praise and dancing to the drummers, all were invited to make an offering into the very waters that once brought our ancestors from Africa into captivity here in America. The ceremony lasted approximately three hours, ending in a closing prayer and directions to the luncheon which was held at Old Central Cultural Center. Once at the center Caravan attendees had a chance to unwind, eat and listen to uplifting and motivational words of wisdom from Chairman Kofi Taharka, Oyafunmike and Mutabaruka just to name a few. Once full of spirit and nourishment, everyone quietly reflected, smiled and gave thanks for the opportunity to work toward the liberation of African people through reverence, sacrifice, love and power of community! With the will of the creator and the ancestors, we shall meet again on the shores of Galveston, Texas next year to revisit and reclaim our divine and rightful place were our forefathers and mothers were brought to this land unwillingly. However we willingly say “Forward ever, Backward NEVER!”
Many thanks and blessings go out to all of the African spiritualist communities that attended and offered their body of knowledge, wisdom and understanding on honoring our holy African ancestors.
Special thanks goes out to the organizers of the Caravan which include, Event Chair-woman, Osunbunmi Gaidi, Bro. Omowale, Sis. Folade, Bro. T. Piper, Sis. Matti and all that came to the weekly NBUF meetings and planning sessions.
The 12th Annual -Sankofa Caravan to the Ancestors from ZIN on Vimeo.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Sankofa Caravan to The Ancestors '09- VIDEO
Peace fam! Here is a video for the National Black United Front's 12th Annual, SANKOFA CARAVAN TO THE ANCESTORS event which takes place in Houston and Galveston, TX. October 15-17, 2009. This event has been something that has literally changed the lives of many people, through assisting in reconnecting them to their African ancestry. This is the place where religious beliefs don't matter and your faith in the oneness of God and community are revitalized.
I've attended 9 Caravans and every year they are beautiful and unique to the energy of those attending. If you would bring yourself,family, and friends to this years Sankofa Caravan to the Ancestors with an open mind on healing our community, one family at a time! A Real change will take place!
All faiths are welcomed and no spirit leaves the same! The theme for this years caravan is "Settle your quarrels, come together...the sooner begun,the sooner done" quoted from ancestor George Jackson, is very relevant in ALL of OUR communities. From spiritually, socially, financially, and politically WE MUST COME TOGETHER NOW! Caravan is a week and a half away...are you coming? I humbly request that you take a look at this video presentation.
p.s. If you've attended the Caravan before please leave a comment on your experience below.
I've attended 9 Caravans and every year they are beautiful and unique to the energy of those attending. If you would bring yourself,family, and friends to this years Sankofa Caravan to the Ancestors with an open mind on healing our community, one family at a time! A Real change will take place!
All faiths are welcomed and no spirit leaves the same! The theme for this years caravan is "Settle your quarrels, come together...the sooner begun,the sooner done" quoted from ancestor George Jackson, is very relevant in ALL of OUR communities. From spiritually, socially, financially, and politically WE MUST COME TOGETHER NOW! Caravan is a week and a half away...are you coming? I humbly request that you take a look at this video presentation.
p.s. If you've attended the Caravan before please leave a comment on your experience below.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Kanye apologizes on the Jay Leno Show
As I stated in the post yesterday you could tell he has been going thru an emotional time since the transition of his Mother. In this interview he admits it humbly and says he needs to take a moment and reflect on life. God is always the best of planners and we never how or why things happen. I'm sure he was bombarded with calls, emails, and everything else from his peers, elders, and fans regarding the incident. However I pray this helps him grow stronger and wiser because we need these Brothers to be on point in this day and age...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Kanye West clowns once again at MTV awards

Blessings family...
I am sincerely tired of the over proud ways of the "Priviledged" artists in the entertainment industry such as Kanye West. First of all I am not the one to judge, for that is not my job but when it comes to respect, something must be said! Last night while at band rehearsal, i did my normal twitter, facebook, and text check only to see all of them were full of messages regarding Kanye clowning Taylor Swift on the MTV awards. So immediately we searched the internet only to find the video footage already posted on with over 50k views in less then 30 minutes. All I could say is WOW, then this dude is wild! That was pure disrespect on every level! I don't care if it was a purple artist from the countrybophoprock genre...that was wack! First thing I said was what would Jill Scott or another sister have done if a white artist from a different genre did that? I believe it would have been a scuffle on stage immediately! I commend Beyonce on allowing Taylor the opportunity to finish her acceptance speech. Last night Kanye posted an apology on his blog but it was clearly an attempt to save face where he said “I’m sooooo sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom [Andrea]. I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would’ve said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and she’s in the bleachers! …………………… I’m in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment!…………….. Beyonce’s video was the best of this decade!!! I’m sorry to my fans if I let you guys down!!!!! I’m sorry to my friends at MTV. I will apologize to Taylor 2mrw. Welcome to the real world!!!! Everybody wanna booooo me but I’m a fan of real pop culture!!! No disrespect but we watchin’ the show at the cribe right now cause…. Well you know!!!! I’m still happy for Taylor!!!! Boooyaawww!!!! You are very talented!!!!! I gave my awards to Outkast when they deserved it over me… That’s what it is!!!! I’m not crazy yall, I’m just real. Sorry for that!!! I really feel bad for Taylor and I’m sincerely sorry!!! Much Respect!!!!!”
(as of Monday a.m. this post was removed from his blog, but media grabbed it beforeNow the reality is that "we" the consumer puff these artist chests up to thinking they can't be deflated. Our short-term memory allows these artist to disrespect our children with their lyrics and behavior, but once they do something we consider "conscious" we allow them back into our world. I am not saying we should kick them to the curb and not give them our support if we actually like their art. However in the same token I believe our community must be outspoken, truthful, and realistic with what these men, women, and youth artists offer back positively back to our society or the lack thereof. We are all aware of the controllers of the media industries and capitalization of the art forms which come from indigenous peoples, but there are an elite sector of artist which are allowed the "Pass", Kanye being one. He is a very talented brother and we cannot front on that, but his peers as well as elders in the game need to sit him down and build. Since the transition of his mother (may the creator be please with her) it's been obvious that his emotional state has been affected and that is more than understandable. To me this is much bigger than color... To me this is about being humble, thankful, and respectful for those that came before us and those who will follow. I'm sure many people thought that was "Gangsta" but your a clown also if you think so! Today I have been searching random blogs and sites to see what people are saying and nearly all of his fans disagree but the white fan are it and see for yourself. Who did he think bought the "808's and Heartbreaks" was banging in the hood at ALL! LOL!
PLEASE TELL ME HOW YOU FEEL? Leave a comment...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Roxanne's Revenge!

Rapper behind 'Roxanne's Revenge' gets Warner Music to pay for Ph.D
BY Walter Dawkins
Updated Sunday, August 23rd 2009,
Roxanne Shante was a young rap star. When the music stopped, she didn't miss a beat.
Related News
Roxanne's revenge was sweet indeed.
Twenty-five years after the first queen of hip-hop was stiffed on her royalty checks, Dr. Roxanne Shante boasts an Ivy League Ph.D. - financed by a forgotten clause in her first record deal.
"This is a story that needs to be told," Shante said. "I'm an example that you can be a teenage mom, come from the projects, and be raised by a single parent, and you can still come out of it a doctor."
Her prognosis wasn't as bright in the years after the '80s icon scored a smash hit at age 14: "Roxanne's Revenge," a razor-tongued response to rap group UTFO's mega-hit "Roxanne, Roxanne."
The 1984 single sold 250,000 copies in New York City alone, making Shante (born Lolita Gooden) hip hop's first female celebrity.
She blazed a trail followed by Lil' Kim, Salt-N-Pepa and Queen Latifah - although Shante didn't share their success.
After two albums, Shante said, she was disillusioned by the sleazy music industry and swindled by her record company. The teen mother, living in the Queensbridge Houses, recalled how her life was shattered.
"Everybody was cheating with the contracts, stealing and telling lies," she said. "And to find out that I was just a commodity was heartbreaking."
But Shante, then 19, remembered a clause in her Warner Music recording contract: The company would fund her education for life.
She eventually cashed in, earning a Ph.D. in psychology from Cornell to the tune of $217,000 - all covered by the label. But getting Warner Music to cough up the dough was a battle.
"They kept stumbling over their words, and they didn't have an exact reason why they were telling me no," Shante said.
She figured Warner considered the clause a throwaway, never believing a teen mom in public housing would attend college. The company declined to comment for this story.
Shante found an arm-twisting ally in Marguerita Grecco, the dean at Marymount Manhattan College. Shante showed her the contract, and the dean let her attend classes for free while pursuing the money.
"I told Dean Grecco that either I'm going to go here or go to the streets, so I need your help," Shante recalls. "She said, 'We're going to make them pay for this.'"
Grecco submitted and resubmitted the bills to the label, which finally agreed to honor the contract when Shante threatened to go public with the story.
Shante earned her doctorate in 2001, and launched an unconventional therapy practice focusing on urban African-Americans - a group traditionally reluctant to seek mental health help.
"People put such a taboo on therapy, they feel it means they're going crazy," she explained. "No, it doesn't. It just means you need someone else to talk to."
Shante often incorporates hip-hop music into her sessions, encouraging her clients to unleash their inner MC and shout out exactly what's on their mind.
"They can't really let loose and enjoy life," she said. "So I just let them unlock those doors."
Shante, 38, is also active in the community. She offers $5,000 college scholarships each semester to female rappers through the nonprofit Hip Hop Association.
She also dispenses advice to young women in the music business via a MySpace page.
"I call it a warning service, so their dreams don't turn into nightmares," she said.
Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons said Shante is a shining role model for the rap community. "Dr. Shante's life is inspiring," Simmons said. "She was a go-getter who rose from the struggle and went from hustling to teaching. She is a prime example that you can do anything, and everything is possible."
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Re: 12th Annual Sankofa: Caravan to the Ancestor 10-15-09 thr 10-17 09-
For more info email:
Saturday, July 04, 2009
1. What You Gonna Do feat. Mistah F.A.B. (Produced by Karega Ani)
2. Hustler (Produced by ZIN)
3. Balance feat. Snap (Produced by ZIN)
4. Beautiful feat. Supa Neil (Produced by ZIN)
5. Mental Graffiti feat. Andre Hayward (Produced by Qnox)
6. Baby (Produced by ZIN)
7. Ghetto Life (Produced by ZIN)
8. Release feat. AnDre' (Produced by Qnox)
9. If You Feel It feat. Bobbie Fine (Produced by Jack Swain)
10. Be Free (Produced by ZIN)
11. Listen feat. Mohamed Diaby (Produced by ZIN)
Preview "Mental Graffiti" NOW!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
ZIN - "Ghetto Life" -Video
ZIN - Ghetto Life from ZIN on Vimeo.
Blessings Fam! Here is my new video "Ghetto Life" from the album "Mental Graffiti" coming soon! Please check it and give some feedback! This album is a new sound and energy...i'm very excited about the release. Thank you for your blessings and support!
In sound,
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
ZIN-R.B.G.-101 Mixtape...LISTEN NOW!
ZIN-RBG-101.mp3 -
1. Paris –Don’t Stop the Movement
2. Nas –Sly Fox
3. Public Enemy – Black Steel
4. X-Clan – Verbal Milk
5. Boogie Down Productions – illegal Business
6. Cornel West feat. Talib Kweli – Bushonomics
7. Immortal Technique feat. Mos Def – Bin laden
8. Dead Prez – We want freedom
9. Mos Def – Murder of a teenage Life
10. Emmanuel Jal – Warchild
11. Knaan feat. Chubb Rock – ABC’s
12. Common – Changes
13. ZIN – Be Free
14. Rashaan Ahmad – Cool Down
15. Justice Allah – Power
16. India Arie feat. Mc Lyte - Psalms 23
17. Lauryn Hill – Lost Ones
18. Curtis Blow – The Breaks
19. Grand Master Flash – The Message
20. Afrika Bambaata feat. James Brown – Unity
21. Three times dope – Peace Ya Self
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
KRS-One: obama, power, economy, revolution
The Teacher droppin some very truthful bombs! Check it out! Bless...
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Remembering Tony D by Bobbie Fine

I’ve made so many relationships and formed so many close bonds with so many really good people in the music industry but not very many can compare to the love and respect I have for my friend, mentor and big brother Tony D.
My other big brother from another mother YZ introduced me to Tone a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away called Ewing NJ. He took me to Tone’s when I was about 14 before we worked on the Sons of the Father album. I spit something for Tone and he was like we gotta do an album on you too! Knowing his rep as a dope DJ and the songs him and Z were coming up with I was bugging that he thought I was nice let alone record an album with him.
I recorded my very first full songs at his mom house called “I’m the Principal” and from there we made so many really good records. Some got shine, most of them were overshadowed by label politics and bullshit but definitely left a great impression on Jersey as well as the world.
When we worked on the Funk Family project in ‘91, Tone was one of the people who convinced me that I could be a star. He gave me some of his hottest tracks and I remember the feeling I got when we recorded each of them as feeling free and that we were doing something amazing that would change hip-hop. I always welcomed the opportunity to go verse for verse with Tone. I knew that even though he loved making beats he was a true Emcee at heart and we did some classics together like “Lose’em” & “Dummy Move.”
All throughout my career, even when I started making beats for myself, Tony said go for it and honestly, I merely considered myself a beat maker until he gave me the thumbs up. Tone has always been my measuring stick for music. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him because he kept me focused always believed in me even when I didn’t. I wouldn’t know as much as I know about this industry and the reason why I should stay true to myself as an artist even if it means you aren’t number one on Billboard because of him.
His legacy is deep from YZ, PRT, Blvd Mosse, Suicide Posse, Black Prince & Asiatic, Too Kool Posse, Crusaders for Real Hip-Hop, Shawn Lov, Kaaos, Scott Lark, Unfound Flavors, Almighty & KD Ranks, Mo Flex, The Funk Family, Baby Chill & the Secret Squirrels, Blaque Spurm, Sworn Secrecy and so many other dope Jersey MCs. He was a pioneer and his sound is the blueprint for the J-Dilla’s (RIP), Mad Libs and 9th Wonders of today. Didn’t matter that he was just a cool ass Italian cat from Trenton, he was our big homie that blew our minds every time he tapped the SP1200 or MPC and I will always be grateful for having him in my life.
I miss you already big bro. RIP!
Bobbie Fine
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Mos Def Challenges Jay-z, Lil Wayne and more to a Battle!
Now if you ask me Hip-Hop would not be itself without a great Emcee battle! However over the years some battles have turned violent and others have been outright stupid, but when you have cats with skills willing to get it in for the sake of spittin...that's Hip-Hop! Below is a clip of Mos Def calling out a few of YOUR favorite "rappers" for a battle...check it out!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Re: S.O.S. RADIO Playlist 2-18-09
Seg 1
1. Africa Bambata feat. James Brown - Unity
2. Grand master flash - Freedom
3. Funky 4 +1 - That's the Joint
4. Sugar Hill Gang - Apache
5. Crash Crew - Breaking Bells
6. Talk break
Seg 2
1. India Arie feat. MC Lyte - Psalm 23
2. Gumbo Red - Family Reunion
3. Common - Changes
4. Conya Doss - Ride
5. Talk Break
Seg 3
1. Sabrina Gilbert - Pride
2. Rashaan Ahmad - Cool down
3. Scholarman - Dream
4. ZIN - Be Free
5. Talk Break
6. Black Violin - Good Music
7. Angela Johnson - How Sweet life is
8. Ledisi - Alright
9. Hil St. Soul - Life
Seg 4
1. Talk Break
2. X- Clan feat. Bobbie Fine - Do it like you
3. The Reminders - Black Rose
4. Demarco - Life as a Juvenille
5. Kymani Marley - Hustler
Seg 5
1. Talk Break
2. Nas - Nigger
3. IG Culture - Black
4. Roy Ayers - Searchin
5. Chaka Khan - Super Life
7. Aretha Franklin - YGB
1. Africa Bambata feat. James Brown - Unity
2. Grand master flash - Freedom
3. Funky 4 +1 - That's the Joint
4. Sugar Hill Gang - Apache
5. Crash Crew - Breaking Bells
6. Talk break
Seg 2
1. India Arie feat. MC Lyte - Psalm 23
2. Gumbo Red - Family Reunion
3. Common - Changes
4. Conya Doss - Ride
5. Talk Break
Seg 3
1. Sabrina Gilbert - Pride
2. Rashaan Ahmad - Cool down
3. Scholarman - Dream
4. ZIN - Be Free
5. Talk Break
6. Black Violin - Good Music
7. Angela Johnson - How Sweet life is
8. Ledisi - Alright
9. Hil St. Soul - Life
Seg 4
1. Talk Break
2. X- Clan feat. Bobbie Fine - Do it like you
3. The Reminders - Black Rose
4. Demarco - Life as a Juvenille
5. Kymani Marley - Hustler
Seg 5
1. Talk Break
2. Nas - Nigger
3. IG Culture - Black
4. Roy Ayers - Searchin
5. Chaka Khan - Super Life
7. Aretha Franklin - YGB
Friday, February 13, 2009
Monday, February 09, 2009
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Zin-SoulHopv.1.mp3 -
1. M.Jackson - Butterflies
2. Loose Ends - Slow Down
3. Maze - Before I let go
4. Aretha Franklin- Rocksteady
5. Eric B. & Rakim - Pump up the volume
6. Beyonce feat. Jay-Z - Deja Vu
7. Musiq - Radio
8. Fabulous feat. Neyo - Make me better
9. James Brown - Payback
10. EPMD - You gots to chill
11. Parliment - Flashlight
12. Chaka Khan - Tell me something good (live)
13. Bootsy Collins - I'd rather be with you
Friday, January 02, 2009
Re: S.O.S. RADIO LIVE! Top 10 Videos of 2008
Peace and Power Fam!
God willing everyone has now began their new years resolutions! Haaaaaaa! Well to start off I've been working on being more pro-active with content. The first installation of the year is S.O.S. RADIO LIVE's Top 10 Videos of 2008. Check it out and vibe...I know there are people that I didn't add that are my friends but it's not personal and your videos will be add into S.O.S. RADIO LIVE future segments, trust me!
Please leave a comment...In Sound, The 1 like Z to the I to the N
p.s. If you watch in the S.O.S. RADIO LIVE Player above you can view all segments!
God willing everyone has now began their new years resolutions! Haaaaaaa! Well to start off I've been working on being more pro-active with content. The first installation of the year is S.O.S. RADIO LIVE's Top 10 Videos of 2008. Check it out and vibe...I know there are people that I didn't add that are my friends but it's not personal and your videos will be add into S.O.S. RADIO LIVE future segments, trust me!
Please leave a comment...In Sound, The 1 like Z to the I to the N
p.s. If you watch in the S.O.S. RADIO LIVE Player above you can view all segments!
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